Equity is the prerequisite to diversity in the arts.
(Michele Decottignies, CCEDA's founder & Co-Coordinator)
The Calgary Congress for Equity & Diversity in the Arts (CCEDA) was initiated in late 2015, by Stage Left Productions – which secured seed funding from the Canada Council for the Arts Equity Office's Sector Innovation fund, with the support of our founding members. The Congress was initially inclusive of all Calgary-based companies that are in service to diverse artists.
Stage Left then morphed CCEDA into The Calgary Collective for Equity & Diversity in the Arts, in late 2016, after we refined our target demographic from "diverse artists" in general to "marginalized artists who do not seek to be included in the colonial core". The Collective's activity was supported through a partnership with Calgary Arts Development, out of which was emerged equitably-focused funding programs for previously excluded artist and collectives!
In May 2019, Stage Left transitioned CCEDA from a high-impact initiative to a regular program within our seasonal roster. CCEDA is now called The Calgary Catalyst for Equity & Diversity in the Arts as a result and it's programming is run by Stage Left's team of potent arts advocates.
In 2022, our active CCEDA members transitioned into The Radical Love Coalition, a group of artist/activists using Invisible Theatre as one of their Social Justice tactics.
The Calgary Congress for Equity & Diversity in the Arts (CCEDA) was initiated in late 2015, by Stage Left Productions – which secured seed funding from the Canada Council for the Arts Equity Office's Sector Innovation fund, with the support of our founding members. The Congress was initially inclusive of all Calgary-based companies that are in service to diverse artists.
Stage Left then morphed CCEDA into The Calgary Collective for Equity & Diversity in the Arts, in late 2016, after we refined our target demographic from "diverse artists" in general to "marginalized artists who do not seek to be included in the colonial core". The Collective's activity was supported through a partnership with Calgary Arts Development, out of which was emerged equitably-focused funding programs for previously excluded artist and collectives!
In May 2019, Stage Left transitioned CCEDA from a high-impact initiative to a regular program within our seasonal roster. CCEDA is now called The Calgary Catalyst for Equity & Diversity in the Arts as a result and it's programming is run by Stage Left's team of potent arts advocates.
In 2022, our active CCEDA members transitioned into The Radical Love Coalition, a group of artist/activists using Invisible Theatre as one of their Social Justice tactics.
° From the Canada Council's Cultivate Fund, which generously provided CCEDA's start-up funding. |